Weather, Climate and Adaptations of Animals to Climate Class 7 CBSE

Key and Important notes of  Weather, Climate and Adaptations of Animals to Climate Class 7 CBSE

Weather: It is the day to day condition of the atmosphere at a place influenced by factors like humidity,temperature, wind speed, precipitation. It is a complex phenomenon that it can vary over very short period of times, therefore it is very hard to predict weather

Humidity: It is the amount of water vapour present in the atmosphere and is measured by a hygrometer

Temperature: It is the degree of hotness or coldness of an object. there are special thermometers for recording maximum and minimum temperature of the day,

Maximum temperature generally occurs during the afternoon while the minimum temperature occurs early in the morning.

Rainfall: It is measured by an instrument called the rain gauge. It is basically a measuring cylinder with a funnel on top to collect rainwater.
Elements of Weather:The temperature, humidity, rainfall and wind speed are the elements of the weather

Sun: It is responsible for all the changed in the weather, it is aprimary source of energy that causes changes in the weather.

Climate:The average weather pattern taken over a long time, say 25 years, is called the climate of the place.

Factor affecting climate:
 (i) Amount of sunshine
(ii) Whether the region is hilly or a plain
(iii) Distance from the sea
(iv) Direction of prevailing winds from the sea side bri ngs rain to coastal areas and dry weather to inland areas.
(v) Ocean currents.
(vi) Distance from the equator.

Adaption:The features and habits that helps animals to live in a habitat are called adaptations.

Three regions are classified according to adaptation:
(i) Polar Regions : Polar regions have extreme climate. Sun does not rise at poles for 6 months and does not set for the other 6 months. Temperature can be as low as -36 degrees.e.g of countries that in polar region, canada, finland, sweden,Alaska in USA and Siberian region in Russia

(ii) Tropical Rainforest : Have hot summers and plenty of rainfall. Days and nights are almost equal in length throughout the year. Examples of countries where the tropical rainforest are found are India, Malaysia, Indonesia, Brazil, Republic of Congo,Kenya,Uganda, and Nigeria

(iii) Desert : Have extreme climate. Receive less rainfall and large amount of sunlight.
Migration: (i) It is the mass movement of animals, mostly birds, f rom colder places to warmer regions to escape the cold, to breed or due to shor tage of food.
(ii) Birds are guided by the sun during the day and the stars at night.
(iii) Example: Siberian crane comes to India from Siberia every year.

Evolution:Features and habits that help animals to adapt to their surroudings are a result of the process of evolution

Adaptions in Polar Bear in points
1.Polar bears have white fur so that they are not easily visible in the snowy white background,, which protects them from their predators and helps them in catching prey
2.They have two thick layers of fur to protect from cold
3.They also have thick layer of fat under their skin
4.They have to move slowly and rest often to avoid getting overheated
5.It is a good swimmer as its paws are wide and large.
6.It can close its nostrils and can remain under water for long durations.
7.It has strong sense of smells which enables it to catch its prey

Adaptations in penguin in points
1.It is also whtie and merges well with the background
2.It has thick skin and alot of fat to protect it from cold
3.Penguins huddle together to keep themselves warm
4.Their bodies are streamlined, and their feet have webs, which make them good swimmers
Tropical Rain forest Supports wide variety of plants and animals

The climatic conditions in rainforests are highly suitable as it recieves continuous warmth and rain which supports enormous number and variety of animals.

Many Animals in tropical regions are adapted to live on trees as there number is large so there is intense competition for food and shelter
Adaptaion in Red Eye Frog It has sticky pads on its feet to help it climb trees on which it lives.
adaptation in monkeys
They ahve long tails for grasping branches, their hands and feet are such that they can easily hold on to branches.

Adaptation in Toucan
It possesses a long, large beak, this helps a toucan to reach the fruits on branches which are other wise too weak to support its weight

Lion Tailed Macaque: Also known as beard ape lives in the rainforests of western ghats, it has silver white mane which surrounds the head from the cheeks down to its chin. it is good climber and spends major part of its life on tre. It feeds on fruits seeds, and young leaves, stems flowers and buds, it also searches for insects under th e bark of the tree. since it is able to get sufficient food on the trees, it rarely comes down

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