Speech on Growing Indiscipline Amongst Students
Indiscipline among students has become so rampart that people freely criticize them. Teachers accuse them for want of respect. Parents are dissatisfied with them because they do not get good marks -in the examination and waste time in this and that. And if we talk about the students we see that they are angry with the authorities, they are displeased with their teachers, their parents.
Every day we read in newspaper about strikes, incidents of free fighting in educational institutions. Sometimes, these incidents take so u§ly turn that they come under control by police only. At times it also happens that students are put behind bars due to their aggressive activities.
What are the causes of this indiscipline? Students are the builders of nation. They are the symbol of creativity. When they indulge in destructive acts what will be the future of our country? Hence, we must sort out the reasons so that they may uproot in order to give a secured present and future to our students.
The greatest cause of the indiscipline among students is our defective educational system, where too much stress is given oni on the completion of the text-books within alloted time. As teachers are under pressure of completion of the text-books they just stop to give moral education to their students. As a result, character formation becomes secondary.
In absence of value based education, the future of young generation seems to be gloomy. It has been seen that when the youth finish their studies, they are half-educated and ill- paced. This situation promotes unemployment among them. Unemployment promotes depression many of our students are victims of this evil. If we want to uproot indiscipline among our youth class, basic change in the present education system is very important.
Nowadays, we see that our youth are getting addicted to television, a main source of spreading indiscipline among students. Violence on television affects children negatively. They become less sensitive to the pain and suffering of others. Not only this, they are encouraged to behave in aggressive ways towards others-whether they are their parents or teachers or relatives. Then comes film today's films dwell more on violence and other crimes which divert young minds
Most of the parents today are working and have no time to discuss vital issues with their sons and daughters. They try to compensate for time with money. But money can not help instil good values. The fear barrier no longer exists in our society and parents easily give way to children's repeated demands without realising the consequences. This is a dangerous sign of decadence and anti-social ills.
It is very easy.for students to go astray if not guided by their parents and cools. Hence, they must be saved at any cost, for they are the ultimate hope of the nation
Quadratic Equations CBSE Class X Important Questions
1. For what value of k, x=a is a solution of equation x2-(a+b)x+k =0 ?
2.Rohan ‘s mother is 26 years older than him . the product of their ages (in years) 3 years from now will be 360. We would like to find Rohan’s present age.
3.Find the roots of x2-3x-10 = 0
4.Find two consecutive positive integers , sum of whose squares is 365.
5.Find the discriminant of the Quadratic equation 2x2-4x+3 = 0 and hence find the nature of its roots .
6.If x=2 and x=3 are roots of the equation 3x2-2kx+2m find the value of k and m.
7.Solve the equation 2x2-5x+3=0 using completing square method
8.Using the quadratic formula solve the equation px2xx2+(px2 - qx2)x -qx2 =0
9.In a class test , the sum of shefali‘s marks in maths and English is 30. Had she got 2 marks more in maths and 3 marks less in English, the product of their marks would have been 210. Find her marks in the two subjects.
10.Two water taps together can fill a tank in 9 3/8 hours. The tap of larger diameter takes 10 hours less than the smaller one to fill the tank separately. Find the time in which each tap can separately fill the tank.
11.Solve the following equation for ‘x’ 9x2- 9(a+b)x2 + ( 2a2+5ab+2b2 ) = 0
12.If the roots of the equation (a-b)x2 +(b-c)x + (c-a) = 0 are equal , prove that 2a =b+c.
13.A person on tour has Rs. 360 for his daily expenses. If he exceeds his tour program me by four days, he must cut down his daily expenses by Rs 3 per day. Find the number of days of his tour program me.
14.Solve for x: 9x2-6ax+(a2-b2)=0
15. if the equation (1+m2)x2+2mcx+c2-a2=0 has equal roots, show that c2=a2(1+m2)
16.An express train takes 1 hour less than a passe nger train to travel 132 km between Mysore and Bangalore (without taking into consideration the ti me they stop at intermediate stations). If the average speed of the express train is 11 km/h more than that of the passenger train, find the average speed of the two trains.
17.Find the value of k for 4x2 – 2(k + 1)x + (k + 4) = 0, so that it has two equal roots.
18.A motor boat whose speed is 18 km/h in still wa ter takes 1 hour more to go 24 km upstream than to return downstream to the same spot. Find th e speed of the stream.
19.Solve for x: 5x+1 +51-x
20.Solve 12abx2-9a2x+8b2x-6ab=0
21.. A takes 6 days less than the time taken by B to finish a piece of work. If both A and B together can finish it in 4 days, find the time t aken by B to finish the work.
22.Determine the nature of the roots of the Quadratic equation 9a2b2x2-24abcdx+16c2d2=0
2.Rohan ‘s mother is 26 years older than him . the product of their ages (in years) 3 years from now will be 360. We would like to find Rohan’s present age.
3.Find the roots of x2-3x-10 = 0
4.Find two consecutive positive integers , sum of whose squares is 365.
5.Find the discriminant of the Quadratic equation 2x2-4x+3 = 0 and hence find the nature of its roots .
6.If x=2 and x=3 are roots of the equation 3x2-2kx+2m find the value of k and m.
7.Solve the equation 2x2-5x+3=0 using completing square method
8.Using the quadratic formula solve the equation px2xx2+(px2 - qx2)x -qx2 =0
9.In a class test , the sum of shefali‘s marks in maths and English is 30. Had she got 2 marks more in maths and 3 marks less in English, the product of their marks would have been 210. Find her marks in the two subjects.
10.Two water taps together can fill a tank in 9 3/8 hours. The tap of larger diameter takes 10 hours less than the smaller one to fill the tank separately. Find the time in which each tap can separately fill the tank.
11.Solve the following equation for ‘x’ 9x2- 9(a+b)x2 + ( 2a2+5ab+2b2 ) = 0
12.If the roots of the equation (a-b)x2 +(b-c)x + (c-a) = 0 are equal , prove that 2a =b+c.
13.A person on tour has Rs. 360 for his daily expenses. If he exceeds his tour program me by four days, he must cut down his daily expenses by Rs 3 per day. Find the number of days of his tour program me.
14.Solve for x: 9x2-6ax+(a2-b2)=0
15. if the equation (1+m2)x2+2mcx+c2-a2=0 has equal roots, show that c2=a2(1+m2)
16.An express train takes 1 hour less than a passe nger train to travel 132 km between Mysore and Bangalore (without taking into consideration the ti me they stop at intermediate stations). If the average speed of the express train is 11 km/h more than that of the passenger train, find the average speed of the two trains.
17.Find the value of k for 4x2 – 2(k + 1)x + (k + 4) = 0, so that it has two equal roots.
18.A motor boat whose speed is 18 km/h in still wa ter takes 1 hour more to go 24 km upstream than to return downstream to the same spot. Find th e speed of the stream.
19.Solve for x: 5x+1 +51-x
20.Solve 12abx2-9a2x+8b2x-6ab=0
21.. A takes 6 days less than the time taken by B to finish a piece of work. If both A and B together can finish it in 4 days, find the time t aken by B to finish the work.
22.Determine the nature of the roots of the Quadratic equation 9a2b2x2-24abcdx+16c2d2=0
How Do We Reproduce CBSE Class X
Important Notes of How do We Reproduce
Reproduction is the process by which living organisms produce new
individuals similar to themselves.
– Reproduction ensured continuity of life on earth.
– Reproduction - A bridge to hereditary transmission.
– It involves continuation of characters from the parents to daughter cells by
Copying of DNA (Deoxyribose Nucleic Acid) molecules present in the
chromosomes of the cell.
– Copying of DNAs is also not a foolproof exercise, even minute changes bring
about Variation in the blue print of the offsprings.
– The useful variations are retained while the harmful one does not go beyond.
– Actually variations help the species to withstand drastic environmental
changes, thus save the species from becoming extinct and promotes its
survival for a longer time.
– This inbuilt tendency of variation is the "fuel" for Evolution.
– Asexual Reproduction is extremely useful as a mean of rapid multiplication.
It is common in lower plants and animals.
– Different form of Asexual Reproduction.
1. FISSION : the parent cell divides/splits into two daughter cell-Binary
Fission; splits into many cells-multiple Fission
2. BUDDING : A new organism is produced as an outgrowth of the parent
body part.
3. Spore Formation : Spores are
small, bulb like structure develops
at the top of the erect hyphae of the
fungus plant, released into the air
and ge rmina t e , into new
individuals after landing into food
or soil.
4. FRAGMENTATION : It is the accidental process when the broken pieces
of an organism (fragments) grows into a complete organism.
eg. fragmentation in
5. REGENERATION : When the simple animals like Hydra Planaria
develop a new individual from their broken older part it is known as
regeneration. It is carried out by specialised cells which grow large numbers
of cells.
A mode of reproduction in which part like the stem, root, leaves develop into new
plant under favourable conditions.
1. Plants can bear flowers, fruits earlier than those produced from seeds.
2. Growing Banana, orange, rose, jasmine that have lost the capacity to produce
3. Genetical similarity is maintained in the plants.
eg. Sugarcane, rose, grapes by layering or grafting.
When reproduction takes place as a result of fusion between two gamets, one from
each parent, it is called sexual reproduction.
– This process of fusion between two gamets is called fertilization.
– The formation of gamets involves exchange of chromosomal (genetic)
fragments between homologous chromosomes causing genetic
recombination which leads to variation.
It occurs mostly in flowering plants. In fact flowers are the reproductive organ of
A typical flower consists of four main whorls namely calyx (sepals), Corolla
(Petals), Androecium (Stamens) and Gynoecium (Carpels).
– Pollen grains of a flower transfer to stigma of the carpel of the same flower
(Self-Pollination) or to the carpel of the another flower (Cross-Pollination).
– This transfer of pollens is achieved by agent like wind, water or animals.
– After Pollination, the pollen grains reach to the egg cell in the form of a pollen
Fertilization : The fusion between the pollen grain and female egg cell. It
occurs inside the ovary. Zygote is produced in this process.
– Zygote divides several times to form an embryo within the ovule. The ovule
develops a tough coat and is converted into a seed.
– Ovary grows rapidly and ripens to forms a fruit, while the seed contains the
future plant or embryo which develops into a seedling under suitable
condition. This process is known as Germination.
– Humans use a Sexual Mode of reproduction.
– It needs sexual maturation which includes creation of the germ cells ie, egg
(ova) in the female and sperm in the male partener & this period of sexual
maturation is called Puberty.
– Human beings have a well developed male and female reproductive system.
– The formation of male germ cell (sperms) takes place in the testes (male
reproducture organ)
– Actually a pair of testes are located inside scrotum situated outside the
abdominal cavity. It is meant to keep relatively a low temperature needed for
the production of sperms by testes.
– Moreover testes release a male sex hormone called testosterone whose
function is to:
1. Regulate the production of sperm
2. Brings about changes in appearance seen in boys at the time of puberty
The sperms along with the secretion of prostate gland and seminal vesicle,
together constitute semen, which is released and made to enter into the female
genital tract during Copulation.
The female germ cells or eggs are made in the ovaries, a pair of which is
located in both side of abdomen.
When a girl is born, the ovaries already contain thousands of immature
At the puberty, some of these Eggs start maturing. One egg is produced every
month by one of the ovaries.
The Egg is carried from the ovary to the womb through a fallopian tube. These
two fallopian tube unite into an elastic bag like structure known as Uterus.
The Uterus opens into the vagina through the cervix.
Fertilization occurs in the fallopian tube of female genital tract.
The fertilized egg also called zygote (2n) gets implanted in the lining of the
Uterus, and start dividing. Actually uterus is richly supplied with blood to
nourish the growing embryo. If zygote is not formed, the inner wall of uterus
breaks which causes bleeding through vagina. This process is called
MENSTRUATION. It occurs at a regular interval of 28 days.
The Embroyo gets nutrition from the mother's blood with the help of a special
tissue called PLACENTA. It provides a large surface area for glucose and
oxygen to pass from the mother to the embryo. Similarly the wastes from
developing embryo are removed to mother's blood through placenta.
The child is born as a result of rhythmic contractions of the muscles in the
uterus. after Nine months (36 weeks) of development inside mother's womb.
It is also called Gestation Period.
The sexual cycle in a woman continues upto the age of 45 to 50 years. After
that the ovary do not release egg. This stage is called Menopause. It a also
marks the end of menstruation in the woman.
Reproduction is the process by which living organisms produce new
individuals similar to themselves.
– Reproduction ensured continuity of life on earth.
– Reproduction - A bridge to hereditary transmission.
– It involves continuation of characters from the parents to daughter cells by
Copying of DNA (Deoxyribose Nucleic Acid) molecules present in the
chromosomes of the cell.
– Copying of DNAs is also not a foolproof exercise, even minute changes bring
about Variation in the blue print of the offsprings.
– The useful variations are retained while the harmful one does not go beyond.
– Actually variations help the species to withstand drastic environmental
changes, thus save the species from becoming extinct and promotes its
survival for a longer time.
– This inbuilt tendency of variation is the "fuel" for Evolution.
– Asexual Reproduction is extremely useful as a mean of rapid multiplication.
It is common in lower plants and animals.
– Different form of Asexual Reproduction.
1. FISSION : the parent cell divides/splits into two daughter cell-Binary
Fission; splits into many cells-multiple Fission
2. BUDDING : A new organism is produced as an outgrowth of the parent
body part.
3. Spore Formation : Spores are
small, bulb like structure develops
at the top of the erect hyphae of the
fungus plant, released into the air
and ge rmina t e , into new
individuals after landing into food
or soil.
4. FRAGMENTATION : It is the accidental process when the broken pieces
of an organism (fragments) grows into a complete organism.
eg. fragmentation in
5. REGENERATION : When the simple animals like Hydra Planaria
develop a new individual from their broken older part it is known as
regeneration. It is carried out by specialised cells which grow large numbers
of cells.
A mode of reproduction in which part like the stem, root, leaves develop into new
plant under favourable conditions.
1. Plants can bear flowers, fruits earlier than those produced from seeds.
2. Growing Banana, orange, rose, jasmine that have lost the capacity to produce
3. Genetical similarity is maintained in the plants.
eg. Sugarcane, rose, grapes by layering or grafting.
When reproduction takes place as a result of fusion between two gamets, one from
each parent, it is called sexual reproduction.
– This process of fusion between two gamets is called fertilization.
– The formation of gamets involves exchange of chromosomal (genetic)
fragments between homologous chromosomes causing genetic
recombination which leads to variation.
It occurs mostly in flowering plants. In fact flowers are the reproductive organ of
A typical flower consists of four main whorls namely calyx (sepals), Corolla
(Petals), Androecium (Stamens) and Gynoecium (Carpels).
– Pollen grains of a flower transfer to stigma of the carpel of the same flower
(Self-Pollination) or to the carpel of the another flower (Cross-Pollination).
– This transfer of pollens is achieved by agent like wind, water or animals.
– After Pollination, the pollen grains reach to the egg cell in the form of a pollen
Fertilization : The fusion between the pollen grain and female egg cell. It
occurs inside the ovary. Zygote is produced in this process.
– Zygote divides several times to form an embryo within the ovule. The ovule
develops a tough coat and is converted into a seed.
– Ovary grows rapidly and ripens to forms a fruit, while the seed contains the
future plant or embryo which develops into a seedling under suitable
condition. This process is known as Germination.
– Humans use a Sexual Mode of reproduction.
– It needs sexual maturation which includes creation of the germ cells ie, egg
(ova) in the female and sperm in the male partener & this period of sexual
maturation is called Puberty.
– Human beings have a well developed male and female reproductive system.
– The formation of male germ cell (sperms) takes place in the testes (male
reproducture organ)
– Actually a pair of testes are located inside scrotum situated outside the
abdominal cavity. It is meant to keep relatively a low temperature needed for
the production of sperms by testes.
– Moreover testes release a male sex hormone called testosterone whose
function is to:
1. Regulate the production of sperm
2. Brings about changes in appearance seen in boys at the time of puberty
The sperms along with the secretion of prostate gland and seminal vesicle,
together constitute semen, which is released and made to enter into the female
genital tract during Copulation.
The female germ cells or eggs are made in the ovaries, a pair of which is
located in both side of abdomen.
When a girl is born, the ovaries already contain thousands of immature
At the puberty, some of these Eggs start maturing. One egg is produced every
month by one of the ovaries.
The Egg is carried from the ovary to the womb through a fallopian tube. These
two fallopian tube unite into an elastic bag like structure known as Uterus.
The Uterus opens into the vagina through the cervix.
Fertilization occurs in the fallopian tube of female genital tract.
The fertilized egg also called zygote (2n) gets implanted in the lining of the
Uterus, and start dividing. Actually uterus is richly supplied with blood to
nourish the growing embryo. If zygote is not formed, the inner wall of uterus
breaks which causes bleeding through vagina. This process is called
MENSTRUATION. It occurs at a regular interval of 28 days.
The Embroyo gets nutrition from the mother's blood with the help of a special
tissue called PLACENTA. It provides a large surface area for glucose and
oxygen to pass from the mother to the embryo. Similarly the wastes from
developing embryo are removed to mother's blood through placenta.
The child is born as a result of rhythmic contractions of the muscles in the
uterus. after Nine months (36 weeks) of development inside mother's womb.
It is also called Gestation Period.
The sexual cycle in a woman continues upto the age of 45 to 50 years. After
that the ovary do not release egg. This stage is called Menopause. It a also
marks the end of menstruation in the woman.
Light is a form of energy, which enable us to see the object.
In this chapter we will study the phenomena of reflection and refraction using the
property of light i.e. straight line propagation (Light wave travel from one point to
another, along a straight line).
Light is a form of energy, which enable us to see the object.
In this chapter we will study the phenomena of reflection and refraction using the
property of light i.e. straight line propagation (Light wave travel from one point to
another, along a straight line).
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