Nutrition in Animals CBSE Class 7 Important Question and Answers

Q1.fill in the blanks
a. Saliva is secreted in mouth by --------------------.
b. --------------------- is produced by liver.
c. Food is pushed down into the stomach by ---------------.
d. Amoeba digest its food in the ----------------.
e. Digestion of starch starts in ----------------------.

(a) Salivary glands (b) Bile juice(c) peristaltic movement (d) food vacuole (e) mouth.

Q2.Write T for true and F for false statements.
a. Tongue help in mixing of food with saliva.
b. Large intestine absorbs digested food.
c. Rhythmic contraction and relaxation of food pipe is called peristalsis.
d. Small finger-like projection in small intestine help in digestion of food.
e. There are 8 premolars and molars in adult mouth.
Ans.(a) T (b) F(c) T (d) F (e) T.

Q3.Write T for true and F for false statement.
a. The large intestine absorbs water and minerals.
b. Pancreas is the largest gland in our body.
c. Amoeba ingests food with the help of pseudopodia.
d. Villi help in digestion of food.
e. Animals can digest cellulose.
Ans.(a) T (b) F(c) T (d) F (e) F.

Q4. Answer the following
Q a.Which gland release gastric juice? What is its function?
Ans.Gastric juice is released by gastric glands present in wall of stomach. It contains HCl,
pepsin, and mucus that help in digestion of food.

b.What are ruminants? Name the four compartments of their stomach?
Ans.Grass eating animals are called ruminants. They can digest cellulose. The stomach of
these animals is four chambered.

c. What Oral Rehydration Solution?
Ans.ORS is boiled but cooled water with a pinch of salt and some sugar dissolved in it.
Excess loss of water from the body can be maintained by giving ORS solution

d.Mention the important functions of pancreas.
Ans.Pancreas is a dual gland that releases hormone as well as enzyme. The main hormone
released by pancreas is insulin that control sugar level in blood. The enzyme released
by pancreas includes amylase, trypsin, lipase.

e. Why do we get instant energy from glucose?
Ans.We get instant energy from glucose as glucose need not to be digested. It is absorbed
by small intestine and send to blood. Through blood it riches to each cells and provide
energy instantly.

f. Write one similarity and one difference in nutrition in amoeba and human beings.
Ans.The mode of nutrition is holozoic, both in amoeba and human beings. But in amoeba
digestion is intra-cellular but in human beings digestion is extra-cellular.

g. Name the main organs of human digestive system.
Ans.The main organs of digestive system are
1. Mouth
2. Oesophagus
3. Stomach
4. Small intestine
5. Large intestine
6. Rectum
7. Anus.

h. Which part of digestive canal is involved in
a. Absorption of food
b. Chewing of food
c. Killing of Bacteria
d. Complete digestion of food
e. Formation of faeces
Ans.Organs involved are
a. Small intestine
b. Mouth
c. Stomach
d. Small intestine
e. Rectum.

i.. What is mastication?
Ans.The process of chewing of food is called mastication. In this process, saliva is
mixed with food

j. What are enzymes? Give one example.
Ans.Enzymes are bio-catalyst that helps in digestion of food. They are released from
the endocrine glands present in different parts of digestive system. For example
pepsin is released from gastric gland help in digestion of protein.

k. What is digestion? Why it is important?
Ans.The mechanism of breaking down complex organic foods into simpler form by the
action of enzyme is called digestion. It is essential for utilization of food
components to obtain energy and maintenance of body.

l. Name the enzyme released from the following glands in human digestive system.
1. Salivary glands
2. Gastric glands
3. Pancreas
4. Liver
Ans.Enzyme released from
1. Salivary glands – Salivary amylase.
2. Gastric glands - pepsin
3. Pancreas- pancreatic amylase, lipase and trypsin.
4. Liver – Bile salts

m.Where is bile produced? Which component of the food does it help to digest?
Ans.Bile is produced in liver. Bile contains bile juices which emulsify the fats into smaller
fat globules to make it easier for digestion of fat.
n.. What are villi? Write its function?
Ans.Villi are small finger-like projection in the small intestine. It increases the surface area
for absorption of digested food. Rich supply of blood help in transport of food to all
parts of the body.
o. What are ruminants? How do they digest cellulose?
Ans.The animals having four chambered stomach are called chewing animals or ruminants
animals. For example cow, which always seems to chew something throughout the
p. Provide single term for the following:
1. The organ which stores bile.
2. Finger-like outgrowth in the small intestine.
3. The part of amoeba which help in capturing food.
4. The longest part of alimentary canal.
5. The part which feels the taste of different food items.

Ans.Single words
a. Gall bladder.
b. Villi.
c. Pseudopodia
d. Small intestine
e. Tongue.

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