Metals and Non Metals Important Question and Answers

One Word Answers

1.Which metal is liquid at room temperature other than mercury?
2.Which non metal is lustrous and shiny?

Metals and Non Metals Notes Class 8 CBSE

They are elements which lose electrons to form cations and are electropositive, e.g Iron,Zinc,Calcium etc.

CBSE Class 10: The Frog and the Nightingale Summary and notes


Vikram Seth is a well-known poet in India. He was born in 1952 in Calcutta
(Kolkata). The poem The Frog and the Nightingale is from his book of poems called
Beastly tales from Here and There (1991). As the title makes it explicit that the
poems are based on narratives from various parts of the world, Greece, China, India
and Ukrain not to mention the fantasy world of Gup. The poems highlight the
tension between good and evil. These tales in verse are simple to read and are like
the fables, teaching important lessons of life. The poem under study portrays the
cunning frog and the Naïve Nightingale who pays the price of her innocence by
losing her purity, her originality and ultimately her life.

Class 8 Science:Light MCQs and one word answers

1. The most comfortable distance at which one can read with a normal eye is about :-
a. 20 cm
b. 22 cm
c. 25 cm

Mrs Packletide's Tiger Question and Answers

Q1.Why did Mrs Packletide want to kill a tiger
Ans:She wanted to kill a tiger so that her pictures could publish in magazines and newspaper and then she would be able to outshine her arch rival loona bimberton, who wouldn't stop boasting about her joy ride in an aeroplane.This was the cause of Mrs Packletide's jealousy and she wanted to do something more daring and exciting in order to outplay her.There fore she planned to kill a tiger

MrS. PACKLETIDE‟S TIGER Summary | Mrs Packletide's Tiger Notes and Important Points

Mrs Packletide is a short story written by Saki Set mostly in Colonial
India, the author aims to highlight and ridicule the pretentious nature of the upper
classes of Edwardian society.

Class 8 Science Synthetic Fibres and Plastics Important MCQs

Here are some important multiple choice question for you to revise from Synthetic Fibres and plastics

Class 8 Science Plastics Notes and Important Points



Any Synthetic material which can be easily moulded into any desired shape on heating is called plastic.Plastic is also a polymer like the synthetic fibres.There are two types of arrangement in plastics linear and cross linked.


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